26th annual golf tournament
Friday, July 11, 2025
Aloha family and friends!
We are heading back to Pearl Country Club for our
26th Annual Golf Tournament!
Looking forward to seeing you on friday, july 11, 2025
Welcome to our 26th annual golf tournament registration. As usual, the tournament will feature great food, prizes, and most importantly a lot of fun with friends and family as we raise funds to support the Kamakahoohie Scholarship program. Please note the date on your calendar.
This tournament is a family tradition and legacy of which we are proud! We hope that like us, you look forward to this annual tournament with excitement and the anticipation of the joy, smiles, and fun that is imparted between all of the participants of the Reid J.K. Richards Golf Tournament!
SCHOLARSHIP Sponsor: $2,000
Allows one team (3-person team) entry
Includes one golf kit
Hole sponsor sign with logo
Logo and name listed on our website
$1,000 dedicated to the scholarship fund
GOLF Sponsor: $1,000
Allows one team (3-person team) entry
Includes one golf kit
Hole sponsor sign with logo
Logo and name listed on our website
TEE Sponsor: $800
Allows one team (3-person team) entry
Hole sponsor sign with logo
Logo and name listed on our website
Team: $600
3-person team
$200 per person
GOLF KIT - $150
3 Raffle tickets (1/golfer)
4 qty 10’ long pieces of string– no stroke counted
12 Greenie tickets (4/golfer)
3 Mulligans (1/golfer)
Exclusive RRF logo item
All golfers MUST register on-line
On-line payment can be made with credit card or e-check.
Pearl country club
98-535 Kaonohi St
Aiea, HI 96701
FRIDAY - JULY 11, 2025
9:30am Check-in
11:30am Shot Gun Start